About Us

Kingdom of God

We believe that the Kingdom of God is anywhere God's will is done.  It is larger than any one church or people, and transcends all time and places.

We seek to live within this kingdom in every aspect of our lives.


We believe God is a God of mission.  He has called us to participate in His mission of inviting humanity to live within His kingdom.

We do this by making more disciples of Jesus, serving others in our community, caring for the needs of the marginalized, and showing hospitality to strangers.



We believe that God has called us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today.

We are to imitate His life and teaching and to walk as He walked.  When people look to us they should see Jesus.



We want to live a life of authenticity.  Our desire is to form relationships which are genuine and real.

We do this by openly confessing our sins to one another and accepting people where they are, giving glory to God who transforms us through His Holy Spirit.